Legal Services for Title IX & Sexual Abuse
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination at educational institutions that receive federal funding. Under Title IX, sexual discrimination includes harassment on the basis of sex. This includes:
- Verbal or written harassment
- Sexual assault, including rape and other unwanted sexual touching
- Stalking (when done on the basis of sex)
- Dating or domestic violence
Under Title IX, every person has the right to pursue an education or work in education, free from gender discrimination, sexual harassment and violence, and retaliation. When an allegation is made, the law protects the equal rights of every person involved. And, schools are legally required to respond to and remedy hostile educational environments. Failure to do so means a school could risk losing federal funding.
The serious nature of Title IX issues can be devastating. From the psychological, emotional, and physical effects of the accuser, to the repercussions of the accused being held responsible – criminal charges, rejection from college, blemished academic records, an inability to find new employment, reputational and financial damage.
Experienced Title IX Attorneys
Our Title IX attorneys have years of experience representing students, faculty, colleges, and universities who are involved in allegations of misconduct under Title IX.
We offer a full and comprehensive Title IX practice to our clients. We are qualified:
- Title IX Advisors
- Title IX Hearing Officers
- Title IX Investigators
- Title IX Consultants and Compliance Trainers
- Title IX Litigators
We believe that sexual discrimination, harassment, and violence is intolerable and has no place in our society. We ensure that both the accuser (complainant) and the accused (respondent) are afforded their civil rights and due process under the law.
Under Title IX, students and employees of colleges and universities are afforded the civil right to due process under the law. Our attorneys are here to ensure that happens, to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of both parties.
The significance of having the right counsel at your side cannot be understated.
Monaco Cooper Lamme & Carr, PLLC is a member of The Association of Title IX Administrators. ATIXA is an independent, not-for-profit national organization focused on the goal of gender equality in education. Our membership in ATIXA provides resources we use to rigorously serve our clients, including best practices, shared industry standards, model policies, training tools, and educational resources.
Title IX Advisors
Under the new Title IX regulations that went into effect in August 2020, complainants and respondents in Title IX proceedings have the right to one individual of their choosing to serve as their advisor to help navigate them through the taxing investigatory and hearing process, and to provide advice along the way.
Monaco Cooper Lamme & Carr attorneys have represented both the complainants and respondents in Title IX proceedings. If you are seeking counsel who are experienced in advising from the filing of the complaint, through the investigation, hearing, and appeals process, please contact us at (518) 855-3535 or use our Contact page to send us a secure message.
Title IX Hearing Officers
As Title IX hearing officers, we are experienced in objectively evaluating evidence, determining relevance, and conducting hearings with fairness and impartiality for all who are involved.
During Title IX grievance procedures and hearings, it is important to maintain order and decorum of the parties, their advisors, and witnesses. We uphold this conduct as hearing officers.
We are impartial decision-makers who approach our service impartially and without prejudgment. We set aside impressions, bias, and personal opinions to provide an objective decision based on a preponderance of the evidence. If you are seeking impartial, fact-based, no-nonsense hearing officers, please contact us at (518) 855-3535 or use our Contact page to send us a secure message.
Title IX Investigators
With a strong and comprehensive Title IX practice, Monaco Cooper Lamme & Carr, PLLC lawyers have a deep understanding of the legal and practical issues inherent in proactively addressing Title IX investigations. We can conduct investigations as a stand-alone investigator or as a co-investigator.
Our Title IX team is well versed in both federal Title IX and state Education Law requirements for Title IX investigations. We are experienced in investigating Title IX complaints for all educational institutions that receive federal funding, including high schools, colleges, and not-for-profits. We can conduct Title IX investigations throughout New York and across the nation.
It is imperative that you hire the most experienced investigator in a Title IX matter to properly conduct the investigation. An investigator who focuses on compliance while also being unbiassed, non-judgmental, and is respectful and sensitive to all parties and witnesses.
Our Title IX attorneys fully investigate allegations made under Title IX, including:
- Obtaining and understanding the educational institutions specific Title IX procedures and obligations
- Focusing on pertinent key issues and developing an investigation strategy
- Conducting impartial, fair, and thorough information-gathering, including:
- Interviewing and meeting with the reporting individual/accuser
- Interviewing and meeting with the accused
- Interviewing and meeting with all witnesses
- Obtaining and corroboration of exculpatory and inculpatory information
- Analysis of the allegations and overall investigation results
- Preparation of a report for the fact finder with legally based recommendations
Contact us at (518) 855-3535 or use our Contact page to send us a secure message if we can help your school with Title IX investigations.
Title IX Consulting & Compliance
The changes in Title IX over the past years have confused educational institutions when it comes to Title IX compliance. The Obama administration imposed a substantial burden on schools who rushed to comply or face investigations and costly sanctions. The Trump administration then relaxed those standards. Schools have been left confused and unsure and, regardless of ever-changing political tides, schools continue to have serious obligations under Title IX, including:
- Maintaining written policies against sex discrimination, including harassment and assault, that detail reporting, investigation, and disciplinary processes
- The hire and training of a Title IX coordinator who investigates allegations of assault and discrimination, and who assists alleged victims
- Providing reasonable accommodations for protections from contact with the accused party, including counseling or housing and schedule changes, to any person complaining about sexual misconduct
- Providing equality in opportunities, access, and funding for athletics and other school-sponsored activities for both genders
The Title IX attorneys at Monaco Cooper Lamme & Carr, PLLC are here to help educational institutions prepare and review policies, training Title IX coordinators and staff, and provide general counsel advise on all other Title IX requirements, including reasonable accommodations and equality in athletics. If your school needs assistance or training, contact us at (518) 855-3535 or use our Contact page to send us a secure message.
Title IX Litigators
The United States Supreme Court has determined that under Title IX, students may seek money damages from schools that have been deliberately indifferent to risks of sexual assault or harassment by teachers, staff, or fellow students, or if harassment or retaliation occurs against a student or employee for exercising their rights protected by Title IX.
Monaco Cooper Lamme & Carr, PLLC represents students and employees in cases of Title IX gender discrimination, sexual harassment and violence, and unlawful retaliation cases throughout New York State. Litigating the issues can result in the award of monetary damages as well as changes to policies and culture at the institutions that harmed them.
If you have been the victim of gender discrimination, sexual harassment or retaliation as a student or employee of a college or university, let our experienced Title IX Litigation lawyers help you. Give us a call at (518) 855-3535 or use our Contact page to send us a secure message.