The attorneys of Monaco Cooper Lamme & Carr, PLLC are leaders in the legal industry and within industry and trade organizations. We maintain membership and leadership roles in national and local organizations that reflect our practices and the industries of our clients. By maintaining these positions, our attorneys stay current on recent developments and changes in the legal profession.
ALFA International
Monaco Cooper Lamme & Carr, PLLC is a member of ALFA International, the global legal network. With 150 member firms in the United States and internationally, ALFA International is the premier global network of independent law firms. ALFA International’s success is driven by its members’ broad, deep, and local relationships both in the United States and throughout the world. ALFA International’s mission is to provide clients with high-quality, cost-efficient legal services worldwide. The ALFA International model enables MCLC to use its local expertise to deliver highly effective legal solutions, while drawing upon the collective wisdom and experience of other member firms. MCLC’s clients also benefit from a wide range of unsurpassed educational programming including seminars, webinars, and legal compendia. To learn more about our membership in ALFA International, please visit our dedicated ALFA page.
Affiliate Organizations
- Adirondack Women’s Bar Association
- Adirondack Women’s Bar Association
- Albany County Bar Association (ACBA)
- ALFA International (ALFAI)
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
- American Bar Association (ABA)
- Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York (AFDSNY)
- Association of Legal Administrators (ALA)
- Aviation Insurance Association (AIA)
- Canadian Transport Lawyers Association (CTLA)
- Capital Area Fire District Association (CDFDA)
- Capital District Trial Lawyers Association (CDTLA)
- Capital District Women’s Bar Association (CDWBA)
- Capital Region Chamber of Commerce
- Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM)
- Committee on Character and Fitness, Third Judicial District
- Defense Research Institute of Northeastern, New York (DRI)
- Eastern New York Coalition of Automotive Retailers
- Guilderland Chamber of Commerce
- Lawyers-Pilots Bar Association (LPBA)
- Leadership Tech Valley
- Legal Marketing Association (LMA)
- National Association of Dealer Counsel
- New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers
- New York State Bar Association (NYSBA)
- New York State Trial Lawyers Association (NYSTLA)
- Northern District of New York Federal County Bar Association (NDNY FCBA)
- Rensselaer County Bar Association (RCBA)
- Saratoga County Bar Association
- Schenectady County Bar Association (SCBA)
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
- The Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA)
- Trucking Association of New York (TANY)
- Trucking Industry Defense Association (TIDA)
- Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York